What We Do

Sourcing requires multi-faceted understanding of every step from design to delivery. Each step demands experts who are specialized in each phase of the supply chain process. The challenge for companies opting to source from economical foreign sources is coordinating the efforts of the individual functions in the chain. Companies that use foreign sourced products are driven by the product and not the steps along the way to delivery. Freyr Facilitators purpose is to provide the start-to-end management of the offshore sourcing process.
Freyr’s experience in sourcing process can be applied to most manufactured products including:
  • Metal forming, machining and fabrication
  • Complex assemblies
  • Plastic and rubber components
  • Finished goods in retail packaging

Qualifications for the steps of offshore sourcing:

  • Degreed Mechanical Engineer
  • Design, process, manufacturing and project engineering
  • Selling and sourcing goods in China since 1991
  • Sourcing development with Chinese factories
  • Fluency with Importing and logistics
  • Forty years of attention to detail and expectations of doing the best, always


  • Add skillsets to your organization without developing or hiring resources
  • Improve performance of sourcing with comprehensive supply chain management
  • Maximize purchased goods savings through optimization of offshore sourcing
  • Improved sourced goods quality
  • Packaging and delivery enhancements
  • Gain knowledge to navigate US Customs policies (HTUS codes, tariffs, etc.)
  • Product improvements by value added engineering and manufacturing
  • Combine multiple sourcing processes to a single point of oversight